Before You Follow | DON'T INTERACT IF

Disclaimer : For the love of God, Kindly read until the end. This serves as a PSA for newer followers/readers. Please don't take this the wrong way; I will respect you if you respect me, as much as possible I would like to get along with everyone as much as possible!

First and foremost, Do NOT Interact if you are associated/support the following:

>P//d//ph///// and Gr////ming
>R//c//sm(or any kind of triggering -ism
>Discrimination against LGBTQ+ and Mental disorders.
>If you are an anti-anti and a pro-shipper.

>If you support Minor X Adult ships like GiroNatsu / FuyuKero/ KeroMois/ KoyuDoro/ ZoruToro etc. etc. (Bold italic ones make me extremely uncomfortable)

>If you are against Multiships/OC x Canon.
>IF YOU SUPPORT FORMER USER GIRO aka @/GLRORO, It will be an instant block from me.

So "Bro" If you are reading this? stay the HELL away from me.

!! I have triggering topics that I make my skin crawl with much discomfort as it makes me shudder with Bad memories and those are:

> Self harm
> excessive rants/vents (mostly about health and/or family issues)
> GHOSTING (what's ghosting? it's where you just ignore me and act cold towards me out of the blue without any explanation whatsoever)
>Daddy Issues or Abusive parents in general

Here is a list of Phobias and other stuff I have that make me feel weird and uncomfortable kindly Tag these topics


> Entomophobia(bugs/insects/creepy crawlies)
> Trypophobia
>Garuru Platoon and Shurara Corps Hate
>sgt frog hate/negativity
> ii Knife hate
>Naruto hate
>Mentions of Zoruru Kinnie Doubles

I tend to get clingy and worry-some since I may or may not have mild "Hero Complex" and attached to people I find interesting, please tell me if I get too clingy! I will understand fully and tone it down! Please do not ghost me if I did something that you don't quite like as it would just make me worry more; Let's talk about it.

That's all I wish for you,dear reader, to understand. I am very easy to talk to and I fully understand your side, please do not feel intimidated to talk to me.

Last but not the
*, If you have a bone to pick with me just tell me face-to-face, don't be a coward and let's talk like mature thinkers,please.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Signed, Zoruchii/Uno

( Made with Carrd )